Monday, October 13, 2014

Be Happy

Lately I've been wondering how do we know if we're happy. Like whats the measurement for happiness and what do we measure how happy we are against. Like for example imagine your perceived happiest moment of your life and that is your pinnacle of happiness that you can measure the rest of your happiness from. Everyone has a different pinnacle of happiness and therefore we all will perceive being happy differently. I don't know if I'm actually making sense to anyone.

Recently I've just been feeling a little bit unfulfilled and a little unhappy.

Ok so it's my senior year and I have a full-time job and I'm just trying to get through this year and graduate right? But like what's my purpose right now? Last year I was all about getting an internship and proving myself and then I went to study abroad in China. Purpose. Now all I do is go to class, watch Netflix, eat and sleep. I obviously need to find a hobby or something. So back to be being unhappy, I think part of it is that I don't feel like I should have anything to be unhappy about but I can't help but feel like there's something missing. Like today for example I woke up and I just had an overwhelming feeling of like unfulfillment and and boredom. I guess my life has been pretty fast-paced and fun for the last 8 months of my life and coming down from that has kinda been tough for me. It's hard for me to complain about something like that too because it's like "Oh I'm not happy because my life has been so interesting the last 8 months and now it's not as interesting". It's not that being here isn't interesting it's just different and I shouldn't complain because I'm a senior in college with a job and people would kill to be in the position that I am in right now.

So what can I do to fix this? I honestly don't know. Updates when I figure that out.