Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

So I am about to leave the house for New Year's Eve festivities and I would just like to write myself a letter before alcohol inhibits my decisions.

Dear KQ,

Do not under any circumstances act like a raging needy bitch tonight and try to just enjoy the new year. For once stop worrying about the future and live in the present because you're suppose to have fun tonight. And try not to be white girl wasted. Thanks

Sober you

This is lame. I'm such a loser. blah

Review: Midnight in Paris

So I have recently been introduced to Woody Allen by a friend who is obsessed with Woody Allen. I'm currently working on reading his book "Side Effects" but more on that later.

So today I watched Midnight in Paris which stars Owen Wilson but also features Rachel McAdams and my favorite Tom Hiddleston.

So the actual plot of the movie was a little bit confusing to me because I am the kind of person that just likes to overanalyze everything. So Owen Wilson's character Gil is in Paris with his fiance Ines who is Rachel McAdams. Gil is a bit of a dreamer and he wants to move to Paris and write his novel how [very hipster of him] but Ines says she could never move out of the United States [this really bothered me about her character]. So Gil and Ines are with Ines's parents and they run into Ines's friend Paul and Paul's girlfriend i can't remember her name. Gil obviously does not like Paul [paul is pretentious and i don't really care for him either].  So eventually Gil gets fed up with hanging out with Paul and he starts walking around Paris on his own. A old-fashion car pulls up and Gil get's into the car [stranger danger, come on gil didn't you parents teach you not to get into cars with strange drunk people]. So Gil is sort of transported into this other era which is the 20s. He meets people like F. Scott Fitzgerald [tom motherfucking hiddleston, who says old sport, HE SAYS OLD SPORT],  Ernest Hemingway, and Gertrude Stien [i'm not a history buff but did these people actually all know each other in paris in the 20s? just wondering] He also meets a woman named Adriana [totally the crazy wife lady from inception am i right?] and pretty much falls in love with her at first sight. So night after night he keeps going back to the 20s all while Ines and company are traveling around in present day Paris. Gil meets people like Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso and gets great tips on his book all while becoming more and more involved with Adriana. So what confused the analytical side of me about all this is the concept of time travel. Woody Allen makes it so Gil affects the past because at one point in the movie I guess Gil somehow purchases Adriana's diary in the present day and she has written about him.  The way time travel works him being in the past should have affected everything there, yet it does not. I'm probably just thinking about this too hard, it's just a movie. So skipping to the end of the movie we find out that Gil is able to go even further back in time and this time he takes Adriana. We learn that everyone wants to go back to their perceived "Golden Age" and no one is stratified with the present [there's that woody allen charm and wit] as Adriana is determined on staying in the past. Gil then goes back to the present day and decided he wants to live in Paris and do what he loves which is real writing. The movie ends on a pretty happy note. Oh yeah and Ines is totally sleeping with Paul on the side and NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT THIS AT ALL. 

So I would give this movie at 7/10. Not the best thing I've ever seen in my life but I really enjoyed watching it. The costumes are great, the acting is great and the story is charming. Based on the Woody Allen I have seen so far I would definitely watch more of his movies. 

Note-to-self: Visit Paris 

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: My thoughts

First of all I just want to say people who make "New Year's Resolutions" are just bullshitting themselves. Let's be honest I'm not going to go to the gym twice a week every week. It's probably better to bullshit myself in writing and fail then just internalizing the failure this year.

The overarching theme for 2014's New Year Resolution will be: Don't fuck it up
This should go without saying but somehow I have be able to fuck up most years of my short 20 year life so far. With that said I should start the list in no particular order.

1. Read a goddamn book every month. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THAT FUCKING HARD.
2. Don't settle. I can not stress this enough because I settle all the time. It's time to grow a pair of balls and do everything in my power to not settle.
3. Watch a new movie off "my list" 3 time a month. That's 32 movies. Still taking requests on that list by the way.
4. Fucking travel. This year I vow to go to New York, LA, and whatever other place I feel like going. Somehow I always end up spending money on stupid things instead of travel. How many times could I have gone to LA this year with all the money I spend at fucking Forever 21.
5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Pretty self explanatory.
6. Don't be afraid of being alone. This is just a side effect I have developed from being in a relationship with someone my whole entire life. Not to be confused with "be a loner" I just need to learn how to be happy with myself
7. Stop finding reason not to do things. JUST STAHP
8. Write in this shit blog. It helps

I was going to make it an even 10 but I just don't really see the point of that.

So um...yeah