Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Resolutions: My thoughts

First of all I just want to say people who make "New Year's Resolutions" are just bullshitting themselves. Let's be honest I'm not going to go to the gym twice a week every week. It's probably better to bullshit myself in writing and fail then just internalizing the failure this year.

The overarching theme for 2014's New Year Resolution will be: Don't fuck it up
This should go without saying but somehow I have be able to fuck up most years of my short 20 year life so far. With that said I should start the list in no particular order.

1. Read a goddamn book every month. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THAT FUCKING HARD.
2. Don't settle. I can not stress this enough because I settle all the time. It's time to grow a pair of balls and do everything in my power to not settle.
3. Watch a new movie off "my list" 3 time a month. That's 32 movies. Still taking requests on that list by the way.
4. Fucking travel. This year I vow to go to New York, LA, and whatever other place I feel like going. Somehow I always end up spending money on stupid things instead of travel. How many times could I have gone to LA this year with all the money I spend at fucking Forever 21.
5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Pretty self explanatory.
6. Don't be afraid of being alone. This is just a side effect I have developed from being in a relationship with someone my whole entire life. Not to be confused with "be a loner" I just need to learn how to be happy with myself
7. Stop finding reason not to do things. JUST STAHP
8. Write in this shit blog. It helps

I was going to make it an even 10 but I just don't really see the point of that.

So um...yeah

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