Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sleep, Work, Eat, Netflix, Repeat

So lately I've gotten into this routine of accomplishing nothing everyday. I'm not exaggerating. Just one month ago I made a "New Year's Resolutions" list, I'm failing miserably. The only part of the list I feel like I'm  actually accomplishing at the moment is whole "watch new movies" part. Yeah, I'm killing that resolution. I know I only have 3 months left before I go abroad but I feel like I should be doing something in that time. Like learning something or creating something. Yeah yeah yeah, I have a full-time job or whatever but it's not enough for me.

Here's my day...

7am: Wake up and get ready for work
8am: Arrive at work and start the day
12pm: Lunch
3pm: Contemplate suicide to get out of working 
5:30pm: FREE!!!
6pm: Netflix/Internet
7pm: Dinner
7:30pm Netflix/Internet
2am: Sleep

My life is actually so pointless right now.

Trouble is that I just don't know what to do and  there's like 6 million things I could be doing. 

Top 6 things I could be doing instead of what I am actually do now:

1. Learn some goddamn Chinese I'm going to be living in the country for like 3 months and I look Chinese but I can't read it or speak it very well. Excellent, they are going to hate me there.

2. Working Out haha no

3. Learning Photoshop this is a skill I would love to use to impress people/make myself look better in pictures

4. Read a book basically I am failing at this and it's also on that list of resolutions

5. Cleaning my room it's like an episode of Horders in here

6. Learn how to vlog how cool/embarrassing would it be to watch those kinds of things in the future?

Now I obviously can't do all of those things in the next 3 weeks but I could probably at least attempt like half of them. Tomorrow I will get off my ass and try to accomplish something after work! 

Sidebar for a second. YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO NOT TEXT BACK, ONLY I CAN DO THAT. NOW I HAVE TO PASSIVE AGGRESSIVELY PUNISH YOU.  Or you's whatever, it's not like I care. Whatever. idk. bye.

I think I'll try cleaning my room tomorrow. That sounds doable. This whole entire blog post is just like a mess but I think I'm going to publish it anyway. In the off chance someone does read this...I'm sorry.

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