Saturday, January 18, 2014


Whenever I'm in interviews or whatever I always tell people that "I love new experiences" and "Change is exciting for me". I'm not lying but it's not entirely true. I firmly believe that change is usually for the better but that doesn't change the fact that it scares the hell out of me. A part of me wants change, constantly. Never a dull moment. The other part of me clings on to things that are familiar to me. It's like that feeling when you're so incredibly happy you could live in the moment forever.

I can feel things changing around me right now and I don't know if I like it.  -internal screaming-

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What I Learned from 500 Days of Summer

I actually haven't seen this movie in years so I may get a few facts about the movie wrong here and there, but this isn't a movie review. Personally this is one of my favorite movies and the whole point of the movie is.....

Just because you like the same things as someone doesn't mean they're are the person you should be with. Personally I don't think a relationship is about liking the same things. I think it's about finding some common ground to begin the relationship, and then being open to trying new things. Relationships shouldn't be stagnant. I'm not against routine but I want a relationship that is fun, interesting, and making me a better person. It's not enough for someone to bring out the best in me but I want to bring out the best in them as well. 

I really just had to get that off my chest.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Review: Her

So Saturday night I went to go see the movie "Her" with a few friends and I loved it. "Her" is one of those movies that doesn't seem like it's trying too hard and makes you think after you watch it. It's funny, though provoking, and kinda sad all at the same time.

Spike Jonze  wrote and directed this movie. The only other Spike Jonze movie I have seen is "Where the Wild Things Are" which I enjoyed so I had very high hopes going in to the movie. Joaqine Phoenix isn't really an actor I am familiar with, I just know that he did that thing..."I Still Here", he seems pretty strange. However, her was really likable in this movie! The movie takes place in future LA and Theo (Phoenix) works for this company, which I thought was really funny. So Theo is kinda going though an anitsocial, mopey, divorce phase and he decides to get this personalized OS to help him get organized and they end up falling in love.

I don't think anyone actually reads this but I suppose spoilers would start here.

This movie really makes the viewer feel a variety of emotions: joy, sorrow, pity, anger, and discomfort just to name a few. For me in the beginning of the movie during the first sex scene between Theo and Samantha I felt extremely uncomfortable and like "wtf". I'm not sure it Jonze did this on purpose because it is such a strange relationship, even in that future universe but then later I like the relationship that Theo and Samantha have more. Wait, I need to back track...Olivia freaking Wilde is in this movie and she look awesome and fucking Theo has a date with her and he can't even close the date properly. COME ON THEO, COME ON! Ok done with that. Anyways I found that my feelings about the relationship was always changing and I like movies that make you think. I would kind of compare this to a long distance relationship, which I have always said don't work. I believe that it's human nature to need both physical and emotional love and while long distance is ok for a few months or so it really will begin to take it's toll on a relationship. The only circumstance that a long distance relationship would work is if there is a foreseeable end to the distance at some point. This is where Theo and Samantha's relationship falls short. There was no foreseeable end to this "distance" and this is why ultimately Samantha left with the other OS's.

As far as aesthetics go, this movie is just so interesting to look at. It was largely shot in LA and Shanghai which is perfect (two favorite cities) and the futuristic touches the movie has are amazing. Apparently everyone in the future dresses like a hipster but everything isn't too farfetched. What's interesting about the movie as the all of the people in the  background are not interacting with each other they're all on there OS phone-future-pocketbook-thingys. It's interesting because it made me realize just how much time I spend on my phone daily. I honestly can imagine the future world that Spike Jonze created to be one that we may all someday live in.

Overall I give this movie 9/10 pretty much perfect. It was the best movie I have seen in a while and I definitely will see it again.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Things I Don't Understand

A list of things I just don't understand right now.

  1. People who don't like Beyonce. Two questions Why? How?
  2. Why glasses cost so much money. like damn.
  3. How someone can keep another person "on the hook" without feeling guilty. Just embrace it or let go. What's the point?
  4. How so of my friends sleep from like 4am to 3pm. I'm actually impressed with this.
  5. Mixed signals. Just be straight forward.
  6. Parallel parking. What even is happening. My car does not move that way.
  7. Girls who depend on guys. I did not go to college so I can settle down and not make something of myself.
  8. Guys who think girls dress up and wear make up to impress them. I did not get blisters from wearing 3 inch heels all night to make your dick hard. Fuck off.
  9. People who like eating raw celery
  10. "Bad taste in music" just listen to what you want to. This is America where you are free to listen to whatever autotuned, swiggity swag music you want to. God damn.
In other news I'm a blind, ugly motherfucker who needs to get some glasses. Picking glasses based on their ability to cover my face up. Hell ya.

Idk. It's late.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Do I Like You or Do I Like That You Like Me?: An Autobiography

I know they say that love grows or whatever but how do you really know when you like someone? Wow that makes it sound like I'm in 6th grade. But how do you know when you are attracted to someone for real? Do you just like the attention? Do you just like feeling wanted? HOW THE FUCK DOES ANYONE KNOW?

Personally I don't feel this way right now but I have felt this way before. I feel like this has happened to me sooo many times. I mean to be honest I don't think I really liked the first 2 boyfriends I think I just liked that they liked me. But cut me some slack, I was like 14 years old and I didn't even know what sex was ok?

For future reference before getting into a relationship ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I lonely? I feel like when I am lonely I'm more likely to try to find someone just for the sake of having someone.

2. Do I enjoy being with him or do I enjoy getting attention from him? Let's be honest all girls like attention.

3.  Why him and not that other guy? Seriously think about why you "like" him

4. Do he got the booty? He doooooooooo. Yeah I went there.

5. Do I like you or do I like that you like me? VERY IMPORTANT. FIGURE THIS OUT NOW. If the answer is the later.....ABORT MISSION

More on relationships soon I suppose. No one reads this except me. Wat.