Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Do I Like You or Do I Like That You Like Me?: An Autobiography

I know they say that love grows or whatever but how do you really know when you like someone? Wow that makes it sound like I'm in 6th grade. But how do you know when you are attracted to someone for real? Do you just like the attention? Do you just like feeling wanted? HOW THE FUCK DOES ANYONE KNOW?

Personally I don't feel this way right now but I have felt this way before. I feel like this has happened to me sooo many times. I mean to be honest I don't think I really liked the first 2 boyfriends I think I just liked that they liked me. But cut me some slack, I was like 14 years old and I didn't even know what sex was ok?

For future reference before getting into a relationship ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I lonely? I feel like when I am lonely I'm more likely to try to find someone just for the sake of having someone.

2. Do I enjoy being with him or do I enjoy getting attention from him? Let's be honest all girls like attention.

3.  Why him and not that other guy? Seriously think about why you "like" him

4. Do he got the booty? He doooooooooo. Yeah I went there.

5. Do I like you or do I like that you like me? VERY IMPORTANT. FIGURE THIS OUT NOW. If the answer is the later.....ABORT MISSION

More on relationships soon I suppose. No one reads this except me. Wat.

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