Thursday, January 16, 2014

What I Learned from 500 Days of Summer

I actually haven't seen this movie in years so I may get a few facts about the movie wrong here and there, but this isn't a movie review. Personally this is one of my favorite movies and the whole point of the movie is.....

Just because you like the same things as someone doesn't mean they're are the person you should be with. Personally I don't think a relationship is about liking the same things. I think it's about finding some common ground to begin the relationship, and then being open to trying new things. Relationships shouldn't be stagnant. I'm not against routine but I want a relationship that is fun, interesting, and making me a better person. It's not enough for someone to bring out the best in me but I want to bring out the best in them as well. 

I really just had to get that off my chest.

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